Investor: North Coast Local Land Services and Rous County Council ($38,133)
Through the Community Based Weeds Program, Tweed Landcare has delivered two biosecurity projects that support the delivery of the North Coast Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan 2017-2022.
We worked with Casuarina Beach and Cabarita Beach Dunecare groups and Tweed Shire Council to control priority weeds, Bitou Bush, Glory Lily, Broad leaf pepper tree and Ground asparagus, in key sites at Salt (South Kingscliff), Cabarita and Pottsville. These weeds have a negative impact on our coastal ecosystems- they out compete natives…….

Professional bush regenerators were engaged to undertake 15.60 Hectares of weed control across four sites. The Dunecare volunteers and Council have committed to controlling the priority weeds for one year following the completion of the project.
We also worked with our friends at Brunswick Valley Landcare and Richmond Landcare, who delivered similar projects along their coastline, to educate the local community about the impacts of these weeds and how to control them through the Weed Biltz social media campaign and video on identifying and controlling Broad leaf pepper tree.
The projects have supported the efforts of our Dunecare volunteers and contributed to the management of high priority weeds which are a biosecurity threat.