The grassroots of Tweed Landcare are the hundreds of Care group volunteers undertaking bush regeneration (weed control) and planting native trees across the Tweed.
There are more than 20 Care groups working to restore approximately 200 hectares of bushland along creeks and rivers, wetlands, hill tops and coastal dunes.
Most Care groups are restoring Council managed land but we also have a few working on private properties.
Some groups meet several times a week while others meet once a month.
Keen to get some dirt on your shirt?
All of the Care groups would welcome new volunteers.
If you would like to get involved look at the list of local Care groups to find the one nearest you (or your favourite spot) or one that meets at time that suits you then contact the volunteer group coordinator.
There are groups meeting on weekdays and weekends in all parts of the Tweed so get out there!
Bilambil Landcare
Contact: Gary Austin – 0427 269 486
Tuesday 9am
Meet at the entrance to the football oval at Bilambil, just south of the Bilambil Creek bridge.
Burringbar Community Landcare
Contact: Debra Minto 0418 400 047
First Sunday 9 am-11am
Meet next to Masterton Park, Main St.
Byrrill Creek Landcare
Contact: Joanna Gardner – 02 6679 7039
Second Sunday 9am–1pm
Meet at Pretty Gully, 564 Byrrill Creek Rd, Byrrill Creek.
Cabarita Beach Dunecare
Contact: Faye Nash – 0407 831 370
1st Saturday 8:30–11am
2nd Wednesday 9–10:30am
Meet at shipping container just south of the Primary School.
3rd Tuesday 1–3pm
Meet at the Cabarita Sports and Bowls Club (nursery)
Casuarina Beach Dunecare
Contact: Ross Pierce – 02 6674 2788
Generally weekly but no specific day/time.
Working from track 1 south.
Chillingham Landcare
Contact: Marcel Cheatle 0402 365 940
4th Sunday 8.30–10.30am
Couchy Creek Co-op Landcare
Contact: Dave Berg – 0400 021 599
Fingal Head Coastcare
Contact: Richard Roberts – 0409 227 844
Main work days: Thursday 8–11am, Saturday 9am–12 noon and smaller groups on Tuesday and Friday 8-11am
Meet at Coastcare nursery just off the lighthouse track.
Friends of Cudgen Nature Reserve
Contact: Chris Core – 0407 762 108 or
John McDonagh – 0421 657 960
Second Saturday 8–10am
Meet at Sliprails Rd or Clothiers Creek Rd
Friends of Travis on the Oxley
Contact: Kim Stephan – 0418 692 442
Third Saturday 3–5pm
Meet at southern side of Travis Campbell Park, Eungella, on the riverbank
Friends of Wollumbin
Contact: Ian – 02 6679 5441
1st Saturday 8am–12 noon
Kyogle Road, Byangum, 3 km south of Byangum bridge, at the green container on Tweed River.
3rd Thursday 8am–12 noon
Kyogle Road, Byangum, 1 km south of Byangum bridge on the new planting site.
Hastings Point Dunecare
Contact: Andrew Browne 0447 711 265
Every Tuesday 7 am–9 am
Meet at shipping container on Tweed Coast Road just north of North Star Holiday Park.
Hospital Hill Landcare
Contact: Barry Firth – 0468 576 634
1st Saturday 8.30–10.30am.
Meet at carpark near the lookout, Karramul St, Murwillumbah.
Island Drive Landcare
Contact: Clare Alchin – 0438 559 049
2nd Thursday 9–11am.
Meet at main carpark, Keith Curran Reserve, Island Drive, Tweed Heads.
Kingscliff Community Dunecare
Contact: Peter Langley – 02 6674 5362 or Al Stewart – 0499 681 693
Tuesday and Thursday 9–11am
Currently meeting on south side of Cudgen Creek, near the toilet block.
This changes as worksite moves.
Murwillumbah Creek Landcare
Contact: Annie – 0402 075 221
3rd Saturday 8–10am
Meet opposite 8 Hartigan Street, Murwillumbah.
Pottsville Community Dunecare
Contact: Bill Hoskins – 0480 330 105
Every Monday 7–9am
Mooball Beach dunes – exact location determined Wednesday before.
Terragon Landcare Group
Contact: Carolyn Rifello – 0411 471 147
Tyalgum Landcare
Contact: Gabrielle Schenk – 02 6679 3997
Upper Duroby Landcare
Contact: Jan Sinclair – 07 5590 9826 or Lee Perkins 0410 430 923
2nd Sunday 2–4pm